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How to Confirm or Decline a Match?
How to Confirm or Decline a Match?
Updated over 7 months ago

Confirming a match

If after reflecting and catching up with your prospective Mentor you’ve decided to go ahead and start mentoring, then the next step is to confirm your ‘match’ in Connectr. This is a critical step in using the platform as it allows your employer to track the success of the mentoring program and get an idea of how many mentors might be needed to support demand.

Confirming a match doesn’t mean you have to stick with this Mentor, and you can have multiple mentors with confirmed matches – it’s just a way of formalizing your decision to proceed and tracking who is supporting who.

To confirm your match, you can go directly to the ‘Relationships’ page, found in the main menu. Here you’ll see any Mentors you've contacted and their statuses – find the person you want to confirm mentoring with and click the ‘Confirm Match’ button.

🤝 Confirming a match is a two-way agreement – the other person must also confirm this match for it to be completed – they’ll be emailed a request to confirm once you have confirmed on your side. You can return to this page anytime to see all your pending and confirmed mentoring relationships.

If it doesn’t feel like a good match...

If you’ve found yourself disappointed by answers to your reflection questions, or worried that you won’t be able to achieve your goals or be open with your prospective Mentor – then it’s completely fine to say ‘no’. If you still have a pending relationship, you may prefer to decline it.

When you click on a pending relationship, you are given the choice to either 'Confirm Match' or 'Cancel'. By clicking 'Cancel' the relationship will be declined.

If you feel comfortable doing so, you can catch up with the other person and talk through your reasons – your Mentor may also have feedback so it’s good hear their perspective about the potential match. Remember, this is a professional environment, and your Mentor will be open to hearing your reasons – it does not reflect poorly on either party to identify that something isn’t going to work for them.

🚩 If for any reason, you do not feel comfortable speaking with the Mentor again, you are not obliged to do so at all. You could also send the Mentor a brief note through the Connectr chat thanking them for their time and informing them that you have decided not to proceed.

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