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How to use 'Experience Snapshots'

Enabling experience snapshots can elevate your mentor's profiles

Updated over a year ago

Example of Experience Snapshots on a Mentor Profile Card

Example of Snapshots on a full mentor profile page, with the 'ask me about this' call to action.

How can Experience Snapshots be used?

Experience Snapshots are designed to add further personalisation and relatability to Mentor profiles. They represent relatable aspects of a Mentors experience, both lived and career specific, they can tell a story about the type of person the Mentors is, the type of support they can offer and really humanise their profiles in a way our research shows is critical to encouraging users to reach out and connect with a Mentor.

Mentors can choose up to 3 snapshots they feel suit their experiences best, to showcase parts of their profile in an 'at-a-glance' format. They also make great conversation starters, with users being able to start a conversation directly from a snapshot that has captured their interest.

The great thing about Experience Snapshots is that they can be tailored to align to your business. Here are some examples of snapshots you might like to create:

  • Snapshots for employee groups or communities, such as Women in STEM or LGBTQ+ groups

  • Snapshots for specific skills or experiences unique to your industry

  • Snapshots that highlight certain expertise that is relevant to your audience, for example recruiters, senior leaders or apprentices

  • Demonstrate different types of career paths, such as squiggly careers or career changers.

How do Experience Snapshots work?

Experience Snapshots must be enabled in your Connectr settings before they can be used. You can find the toggle to turn them on in the Admin area, under the 'Users' section.

Once enabled, you can select up to 12 options to give to your Mentors. Mentors can choose up to 3 from this list to apply to their profiles

We limit Mentors to picking just three to avoid cluttering their profile pages - a snapshot should be a highlight rather than a big list of tags!

You can also write your own snapshots, a snapshot is made up of a short snappy title, a slightly longer description and an icon. You could have 12 completely custom snapshots, or you can mix and match a selection of the pre-made ones and your own.

To make your own, start with the 'add your own' button:

  1. Give your snapshot a name, we recommend no more than 3 words - it should be meaningful to your users, if your Mentors are externally facing then avoid using too much internal business language.

  2. Write a short description, both Mentors and Mentees will see this and the goal here is to explain what the snapshot means. Remember this is to be used by multiple people so shouldn't be tied to something too specific.

  3. Pick an icon! Something that roughly matches your snapshot topic - try and give all your snapshots different icons where you can.

How can I encourage existing mentors to set their Experience Snapshots?

Currently Mentors will not be automatically notified that they can add Experience Snapshots and this helps to give you time to set them up before asking Mentors to add them to their profiles. When you're ready, we recommend sending an email or message to your Mentors with instructions on how to set theirs, and encouragement to do so to improve the reach of their profile.

We believe snapshots will help breakdown barriers that stop Mentees reaching out to Mentors, and create an eye-catching glimpse of the diversity and experience your Mentors have to offer.

If you'd like a template for this email, or would like our support in emailing or training your Mentors please speak to your Customer Success Manager.


How to make changes or turn off snapshots

You can edit the names, descriptions and icons of any custom snapshots or change the snapshots selected at any point. It is important to note though, that any changes made will be immediately reflected on mentor profiles, for example:

  • Deselected or deleted snapshots will disappear from mentor profiles where they were in use

  • Edited snapshots will change on all mentor profiles where they are in use

  • Turning off snapshots will hide them from all mentor profiles, but previous snapshot choices will be saved should you turn it on again

When making a change, you'll be notified of how many profiles may be affected.

How do Mentors choose their snapshots?

Mentors can only set their snapshots after their profile has been completed on your Connectr. Once they are fully setup, they can go into 'Profile' and just above their bio, they can choose 'Add an experience snapshot' - this is also where mentors can edit their snapshot choices. Mentors can only choose up to 3 of the snapshots you make available, to help avoid profiles getting cluttered or listy.

Note: If your Connectr has mentor approvals on, a Mentor's profile will need to be approved before they can add snapshots

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