If you decide that you no longer have a need to have a Mentee/Mentor profile on the Connectr platform, you can request to have your account and personal data deleted.
Firstly, we would suggest you let any existing 'relationships' with other Mentees/Mentors know about your decision to leave the platform. This could be a good opportunity to share feedback on what has worked or not worked so well with a Mentor, or to simply let a Mentee know you are leaving and suggest they reach out to a new, available Mentor for future guidance.
Once all relevant parties have been informed and you are ready for your account to be deleted, you should send this request via email to team@connectr.co.uk. Provide the email address you use for login, and the name of the Connectr platform you are using.
This deletion request will be actioned within 5 - 7 business days, then you will be notified confirmation of deletion by way of an email response.
Deletion requests are permanent! Should you at a later date wish to return to the Connectr platform, you must register again and set up a new profile. Previous mentoring conversations, tasks, relationships and goals will not be carried over.