The three layers
Learning content on Connectr is made up of three layers:
A single Module can be made up of many Tasks, and a single Task can have many Parts. You will need content (written text) and assets (images and videos) to form your Modules, Tasks and Parts.
Modules are overall ‘themes’ of content such as ‘Application Advice’, or ‘Learn About Connectr’.
They act like folders in which you can organise your Tasks. Modules should be named after the theme or subject of the content the module will cover. Depending on the purpose and target audience of your Connectr, Modules could look like:
An overview of your company
Application or interview advice
Explaining an early talent program
Exploring different departments or roles in the company
Best practices for mentoring
If Modules are overall ‘themes’ of content such as ‘Application Advice’, or ‘Learn About Connectr’ then Tasks are specific topics within that theme such as ‘Video Interviews’, or ‘The History of Connectr’.
Tasks are elements of a module that your users must complete, it is the number or Tasks that are tracked when counting progress towards Module completion. Task names are usually a sub-heading of the Module name. A single Module can have multiple relevant Tasks.
Parts are individual pages of content within a Task.
The Parts of the task are what the user actually reads, watches or interacts with. This is the level where you build your content using copy, imagery and the interactive part types available in the Content Builder tool.
Parts can be:
Written content with or without images
Quizzes, document uploads and free-text inputs
Part types available
Embedded video (Must be YouTube or Vimeo links)
Text & Image (with two layout options)
Likert scales (e.g. On a scale of 1-5 do you agree with this statement)
Free text questions (reader can submit a written answer)
Multiple choice questions (reader picks one or more from a list of options)
Single choice questions (reader picks from a list of options)
Document upload (allow readers to submit a file)
Resource download (add downloadable files to any Text & Media parts)