Providing you have the right role assigned, you will have access to the 'Admin' tab located at the top of the homepage. If you do not see it, it means you currently do not have rights to this admin page. If you think you should have these permissions, please contact
Click 'Content Builder' on the left hand side menu. From here you can create, edit and publish all tasks that appear on the main Connectr site for users to complete.
To embed a video link you must first create a new task within a module with titles and descriptions (these can be edited later). Then click 'Add new Part +'.
There are multiple part types to choose from depending on the type of content you wish to create. To embed a video, you must select 'Text and Media'.
Then select the fourth layout option, highlighted in yellow in the image below. Click 'Add Video'. The other layout options are for text only, or text and an image.
Then copy and paste in the video url from the relevant platform and add a title. You can only embed Vimeo or Youtube videos. The video title should describe the video content accurately for visually impaired users.
Finally, click confirm and save. Remember to publish if it is ready to go live for all users to see.